1病例资料患者,女,47岁,体检发现盆腔包块2年,自觉月经规律,无不适症状,未就诊。近半年来,无明显诱因出现下腹部坠痛伴腰骶部不适,腹部明显增大,并有尿频尿急等症状,于2014年10月来兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院就诊。阴、腹超声联合扫查:子宫呈中后位,大小为5.3 cm×5.0 cm×4.8 cm,宫壁不规整,子宫体左侧壁浆膜下探及大小约1.6 cm×
A case data, female, 47 years old, physical examination found pelvic mass 2 years, conscious menstrual regularity, no symptoms, no treatment. Nearly six months, no obvious incentive for lower abdomen pain with lumbosacral discomfort, abdominal significantly increased, and urinary frequency urgency and other symptoms, in October 2014 to the Urumqi General Hospital of Lanzhou Military Region. Yin and abdominal ultrasound scan: the uterus was mid-posterior, the size of 5.3 cm × 5.0 cm × 4.8 cm, irregular uterine wall, the left subserosa and the size of about 1.6 cm ×