About 100 years ago, some “sinners” who massacred birds in Boston in the United States turned their backs on repentance and determined to make mistakes before setting up the “Association of the Aote Pendants”. Among them were the famous bird scientist William Brewster, who had never killed any conscience of conscience before killing hundreds of thousands of birds. The famous conservationist George Mackay shot 243 black ducks the other day, often capturing blue jays, hummingbirds, orioles and mockingbirds as a form of exercise. The sponsor of this group is Harriet Hemingway, who for years has always liked to use bird feathers as a decoration for her hat. Mrs. Hemingway is a famous Bostonian lady. Her good-heartedness is a pivotal figure in the area, but she has never been guilty of wearing a hat with feathers. One day in January 1896, she was deeply touched by a story about hunters smashing a heron’s nest