社会主义市场经济就意味着竞争,竞争的直接结果是优胜劣汰。竞争一方面提高了效率,另一方面加剧了社会分化,产生社会不平等和社会动荡等负作用。现代各国都在寻找一种有效的途径,以把这种负作用控制在最小限度,“在有效率的经济中促进平等”(阿瑟·奥肯[美]:《平等与效率——重大的权衡》(中译本),走向未来出版社1988年版第251页)。这种有效的途径就是建立社会保障制度。 社会保障制度是国家依照法律规定,采用强制性手段对国民收入实行分配和再分配,建立社会消费基金,对基本生活发生困难的社会成员给予物质上的帮助,以保证社会安定的制度。它具体包括社会保险、社会救济、社会补助三部分。社会保障制度是社会运行的安全网和减震器。
Socialist market economy means competition. The direct result of competition is survival of the fittest. Competition, on the one hand, has increased efficiency, on the other hand has exacerbated the negative effects of social differentiation, social inequality and social unrest. All modern countries are looking for an effective way to keep this negative effect to a minimum and to promote equality in an efficient economy “(Arthur Okun,” Equality and Efficiency - Significant Trade-off "(Chinese translation), to the future press 1988 edition page 251). This effective way is to establish a social security system. The social security system is the system by which the state allocates and redistributes national income by compulsory measures in accordance with the law and sets up a social consumption fund to provide material assistance to members of the community whose basic livelihood problems are difficult to ensure social stability. It includes three parts: social insurance, social assistance and social assistance. The social security system is a social safety net and shock absorber.