从外公家的后院门出去,沿着两旁开满紫荆花的小路,越过小溪石板桥,便是外公家的毛竹园。用荆蒺与竹梢编成的“墙”间隔了邻家的自留地。约六、七十公尺见方的地上挺立着郁郁葱葱的淡竹、毛竹。文化大革命时,父母害怕武斗会伤了我们,就把我们统统送到外公家——这世外桃源般的小村,于是就有了与毛竹园、马鞭笋的相识。 夏季的毛竹园已没有了春天小笋露出泥土时的那一份份惊喜,也没有了竹笋拔节、竹箬落地的声音,炎阳下的毛竹园是一片成熟的绿荫与寂静。阳光从竹叶的缝隙间筛下来,映在地上宽大的南瓜叶上,整个竹园的空气被染成了透明的绿。马鞭笋就在这片炎热的寂静里悄悄地在地底下滋长。
Out from the back door of the public public out, along the trail covered with Bauhinia flowers, across the stream stone bridge, is the foreign public bamboo hair park. With “Jing” and bamboo shoots compiled “wall” separated by a neighbor’s private residence. About six or seventy meters square on the ground stand lush light bamboo, bamboo. During the Cultural Revolution, when parents were afraid that the fighting would hurt us, they sent us all to the foreign public - a small village like this paradise, so they met with Mao Bamboo Garden and the horse whip bamboo shoots. Bamboo hair in summer has no spring spring shoots that part of the soil when the surprise, there is no bamboo shoots, bamboo shoots landing sound, the sun is under Mao bamboo is a mature shade and silence. Sunshine from the leaves of the sieve down, reflected in the ground on the large pumpkin leaves, the entire Chuk Yuen air was dyed transparent green. Whip bamboo shoots quietly in the hot silence grow under the ground.