The strongest resistance globally encountered by contemporary Western values and patterns of behavior comes from the Arab world. The anti-Western propensity of the Arab world is not a simple anti-Western civilization, nor is it merely a protest against the U.S. shield against Israel and the Arab repression. It is a complex product of historical and realistic factors. The historical origins of this tendency stemmed from the time of the appointment of rule. The appointed rule of Britain and France is a disguised form of colonial division and deceit and kidnapping of Arabs. Dividing the Arab region with Britain and France, dividing different ethnic groups and denominations into the same country and also dividing new countries separately, but leaving the same people (such as the Kurds) to be classified in different countries; in particular, supporting Jewish entry into Palestine led to A, Utah’s struggle for the right to life. Britain and France forcibly pushed the fertile crescent areas into the modern orbit but did not seriously address the issue of Arab socialism. The political system of non-West-East Africa is even more detrimental to the development and progress of the Middle East society. The threat of Western forces and the long-standing inferior position of the Arab world have left the Arabs on alert to Western powers. The rebellious sentiment has been strengthened by the fact that the power-backed countries led by the United States have also intervened in the internal affairs of contemporary Arab countries and touched the untouchable old wounds brought to the Arabs several decades ago by their appointment.