上海在城市化发展过程中,陆续规划和建造了许多排水系统。但在市区,部分市政排水设施陈旧老化、管网系统不配套仍然存在。同时,上海因其特殊的地理位置,常年经受风、暴、潮、洪等威胁,年降水量达1140mm。近年来的统计资料显示,每逢暴雨期间,全市约有50多处地段严重积水,不但影响城市交通,也给市民的生活、生产带来不便。1998年起,上海市市政工程局组织对市区积水路段进行研究,决定采用成本经济但收效明显的积水点改造方案来提高这些地区的排水能力。1999年6月10日市区普降暴雨,集中降雨历时3~3.5小时,集中降雨量最大达70~90mm 左右,暴雨强度接近暴雨重现期一年一遇,即降雨强
In the process of urbanization and development in Shanghai, many drainage systems have been planned and constructed successively. However, in urban areas, some municipal drainage facilities are aging and the pipe network system does not support the existing ones. At the same time, Shanghai is subject to the threats of wind, storm, tide and flood all year round because of its special geographical position, with an annual rainfall of 1140 mm. In recent years, statistics show that during the heavy rain, the city has about 50 lots of serious waterlogging, not only affect the urban transport, but also to the public life and production inconvenience. Since 1998, the Municipal Engineering Bureau of Shanghai has organized a study on waterlogged sections in urban areas and decided to adopt a cost-effective but effective catch-point improvement program to improve the drainage capacity in these areas. June 10, 1999 urban heavy rain, concentrated rainfall lasted 3 ~ 3.5 hours, the largest rainfall of about 70 ~ 90mm, storm intensity close to the recurrence of heavy rainfall once a year, that rainfall