地址:北京市东直门外香河园北里4号邮编:100028电话:(010)64663331转传真:(010)64626652汉武帝王占君著 32开19.80元本书叙写了汉武帝刘彻从“金屋藏娇”开始的波澜壮阔的一生。惨烈的东宫之争,“金屋藏娇”的刘彻踏着深官的血泊登级,君临天下!黄沙大漠间马革裹尸的喋血征战,昭示着大汉帝国版图的灿烂。一代名帝的内心苦涩,被他叱咤风云的千古功勋遮掩着……核心竞争力 RON SEWELL 著姜法奎译16开 48.00元本书并不试图给出核心竞争力的学术定义,相反,本书立主在一个企业中应该有一系列
Address: Beijing Dongzhimen Wai Heyuan North Lane on the 4th Zip code: 100028 Tel: (010) 64663331 Fax: (010) 64626652 Han Wudi Wang Zhanjun with 32 open 19.80 yuan This book describes the Han Wudi Liu Che from “The beginning of the magnificent life. The brutal struggle of the East Palace, ”Golden House hidden Johnson " Liu Che marching in the blood of the officer of the Gordon, Monarch! Huangsha desert horse wrapped corpses bloody battle, showing the brilliant Han empire territory. The heart of a generation of emperor bitter, by his all-powerful mastery of all-encompassing hiding ...... Core competencies RON SEWELL with Jiang Faqu translated 16 yuan 48.00 This book does not attempt to give the academic definition of core competencies, on the contrary, There should be a series in a business