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影片《孔雀》演绎了一个成长的故事。那是一个物质和精神都匮乏的年代,姐姐和弟弟两个少年无法表达成长的酸涩中所体验到的一切,但是朦胧的向往,以及由此导致的挫折感胀满胸膛,随时可能冲破重压,以最惨烈的方式爆发。这是一个失语的世界。青春的冲动、挣扎和欲望无法言说,因此也就失去了缓冲,直接转化为与外部世界白刃相见的冲突。弟弟画的裸女被父亲发现,父亲恨铁不成钢,当即举着儿子画的裸女画像冲出门外,大喊“我们家出了个流氓”。这个举动相信 The film “Peacock” deduced a story of growth. It was a matter which both material and spiritual deprivation, sister and younger brother could not express the growth of sourness, but the dimness of desire and the resulting frustration filled the chest and could break the weight at any time , In the worst way outbreak. This is a lost world. The impulses, struggles, and desires of youth are unspeakable, so they lose their cushion and translate directly into conflicts that clash with the outside world. My brother painted nude girl was found by his father, his father did not hate iron steel, immediately took the son painted naked girl portrait out of the door, shouting “our family out of a rogue.” Believe this move