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一九五三年是全国要在继续加强抗美援朝的条件下开始祖国大规模的有计划的经济建设的第一年,经济建设的中心是工业,特别是发展重工业。经济建设的总目标,就是要实现工业化,使我国由落后的农业国变为先进的强大的工业国。在这样一个新的形势和新的任务面前,我们林业工作者的任务,正如一月十八日人民日报社论指出『我国大规模的经济建设要求林业部门供给数量更多、质量更好的木材;在重要河流上游保持水土,减轻冲刷,以推动国家的水利建设,保障农业的长期丰收。这是十分重大的任务,它要求我们林业工作在现有基础上前进一步,不但要继续贯彻普遍护林与合理利用木材的方针,还必须进行有目的、有计划的造林工作,并开发新的林区』。这就是 In 1953, the first year the country should start its planned large-scale economic construction under the condition of continuing to strengthen the war on aiding the Republic of Korea and Korea, the center of economic construction is industry, especially the development of heavy industry. The overall objective of economic construction is to achieve industrialization and transform our country from an underdeveloped agricultural country into an advanced and powerful industrialized country. In the face of such a new situation and new task, the tasks of our foresters, just as the People’s Daily editorial on January 18 pointed out, “China’s large-scale economic construction requires the forestry sector to supply more and better-quality wood; In the upper reaches of important rivers to maintain soil and water, reduce erosion, in order to promote national water conservancy construction, to ensure the long-term agricultural harvest. This is a very important task. It requires that our forestry work go further on the existing basis, not only to continue with the principle of universal forest protection and rational use of timber, but also to carry out purposeful and planned reforestation and to develop new forests Area”. This is
黄河是中华文明的摇篮。黄河岸边这片土地上的风土人情是如此质朴而又珍贵。 The Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization. The customs of the land on the Y
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