宫内节育器应用已久,但最初并非用于人类,而是用在查不出年代的北美的骆驼商队,是将小石子置入骆驼的子宫里,以防止在长途运输时的怀孕。1903年法国C.Houweg 用鸟的如愿骨入宫颈至宫体作避孕取得效果。1909年波兰一个名叫Richard Richter 的乡村医生,在法国医学周报上发表了第一篇宫内节育器的报告,但未引起注意。美国G.C.Pefit医生的“子宫电池”(Womb Battery)则创始于1884年,然而不敢称其为避孕器。1923年德国的Pust 改进了Richter 的宫内避孕器,但因上行性感染严重未能推广使用。
IUDs have been used for a long time, but were not initially used in humans. They were used in caravans of North America, where cadaveric dates were not available. They were placed in the womb’s womb to prevent pregnancy during long-distance transport. 1903 France C. Hauweg bird’s wishbone cervical into the Palace for contraception to obtain results. In 1909 a Polish village doctor named Richard Richter published the first report of an IUD in the French medical weekly without drawing any attention. American G.C. Peteit doctor’s “Womb Battery” (Womb Battery) was founded in 1884, however, dare not call it a contraceptive device. 1923 Germany’s Pust improved Richter intrauterine device, but due to serious upside down the use of infection.