一、国际电工委员会简介 1.概述国际电工委员会(INTERNATIONALELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISION,简称IEC)正式成立于1906年,是世界上最早的国际性电工标准机构,至今已有70多年的历史,会址设在日内瓦。IEC是联合国经社理事会的乙级咨询机构,它还与42个国际性组织就标准化问题进行合作。近十多年来,IEC已发展成为一个名符其实的国际性组织,参加IEC的有五大洲43个国家,代表着世界人口的80%,生产和消费电能的95%,制造和使用的电气和电子产品占全世界产量的90%。我国于1957年加入IEC。 2.IEC的组织机构 IEC的组织机构如下图所示:
I. Introduction to the International Electrotechnical Commission 1. Overview The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) was formally established in 1906. It is the world’s first international electrotechnical standards body. It has a history of more than 70 years and its site is located in Geneva. The IEC is the second-level advisory body of the UN Economic and Social Council. It also cooperates with 42 international organizations on standardization issues. In the past decade or so, IEC has developed into a truly international organization, participating in IEC with 43 countries on five continents, representing 80% of the world’s population, producing and consuming 95% of electric energy, and manufacturing and use of electricity. And electronics account for 90% of the world’s production. China joined the IEC in 1957. 2. Organization of IEC The organization of IEC is shown in the following figure: