21世纪“网络信息资源管理技术的发展、机遇与挑战” 学术研讨会征文

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当前,以现代信息技术为主体的知识经济的兴起加速了全球信息网络化的发展趋势,计算机数字化、交互化技术的发展已经触及到社会的各个角落,并已通过国际互联网络与全球经济发展连接起来。互联网络目前已发展成涵盖广泛的高科技信息载体,并成为人们搜取信息的重要途径,但信 At present, the rise of knowledge-based economy with modern information technology as its mainstay accelerates the development trend of global information network. The development of computer digitization and interactive technology has touched every corner of society and has been connected with the global economic development through the Internet stand up. The Internet has so far been developed to cover a wide range of high-tech information carriers and has become an important avenue for people to access information, but the letter
一、论文1 .徐本美 ,顾增辉 ,郑光华 .测定种子活力方法的探讨 (1 ) TTC法 .种子 ,1 982 ,(2 ) :1 22 .徐本美 ,顾增辉 .种子活力及其测定法 .北京农业科学 ,1 983,(1 ) :353
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