This article subdivides the linguistic variable of media mode into three sub-variables: media mode, communication mode and communication environment. Based on this, this paper discusses the influence of mode of transmission on the expressive means of different languages. Means of expression is the means of communication to convey emotions and emotions, can be divided into language means of expression and linguistic interracial means. Verbal expressions can use extra-linguistic expressions and in-language demonstrations, whereas written expressions can only use visual linguistic intimacy. In online chatting, the clash between high celibacy requirements and limited courier tactics has arisen, so the clues of virtual clues have been developed, which greatly expands the types, quantity and usage of the original clues. Through the investigation of the means of online chatting and demonstrating, we think that in the study of stylistic style, we must find the restrictive factors of the linguistic features to effectively control the complicated linguistic phenomena so as to give an effective explanation.