The cooperation of BRICS countries enters into harvest season

来源 :中国远洋航务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sam_rao
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BRICS is the five English name acronyms of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Leaders of the five-nation BRICS bloc have reached important consensus in a concluded summit in New Delhi, India recently. The BRICS nations, as major emerging economies and part of the developing world, constitute a positive force for preserving world peace and promoting common development. The status of BRICS is rising, at the same time, the mutual economic and trade exchanges are also unceasingly strengthen. The increasing bilateral trade is the most remarkable point. BRICS countries should see their different national conditions and development models as providing an opportunity for them to draw on their strengths and engage in cooperation. P20
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普遍查一查我们所有的设施,达不到抗震标准的建筑应迅速加固,增加成本也在所不惜。至于那些处于地震活跃带上的设施,搬迁恐怕是最好的选择。 We check all our facilities i
A公司为浙江一私营纺织化纤企业,总股本8,000万元,产品为差别化涤纶长丝,经营效益在同行业居前。具体经营指标如下:2008年中期每股收益0.258元,每股净资产2.29元,2008年预期每股收益0. 516元。    注:本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文