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地理研究性复习是指学生在地理教 师的指导下,根据大纲的体系、课 本的脉络和高考的要求,将复习内容转化成研究专题,让学生主动地深悟知识、获取解决问题的学习方法。 一、研究性复习的主要环节 第一步:确定专题 研究性复习专题由教师确定,呈现给学生,学生根据自身特点作出选择,由自己去研究并解决问题。研究专题大致可归纳为四大类。 1.以知识联系为研究对象的知识网络专题。通过地理知识间内在联系、因果关系,建立起地理知识结构,使学过的知识系统化、网络化,学到的知识深化组合、融会贯通,实现教材“由厚到薄”。例如,影响工业布局的因素,矿产资源及其利用等。 2.以思维规律为研究对象的认知专题。在思维方法训练中,要努力克服思维定势,加强发散性思维培养,从记忆、理解、应用等三个能力层次(文科综 The geography research review refers to the student’s guidance under the geography teacher, according to the outline system, the context of the textbook, and the requirements of the college entrance examination, the contents of the review will be converted into research topics, so that students can actively understand the knowledge and acquire a solution to the problem. First, the main part of research review The first step: to determine the topic Research review review topics identified by the teacher, presented to students, students make choices based on their own characteristics, to study and solve problems by themselves. Research topics can be roughly classified into four categories. 1. The topic of knowledge network with knowledge connection as the research object. Through the intrinsic links and causal relationships among geographical knowledge, a geographic knowledge structure has been established to systematically learn and network knowledge, and the learned knowledge has been deepened and combined to realize the teaching materials “from thick to thin”. For example, factors affecting industrial layout, mineral resources, and their use. 2. Cognitive topics focusing on the laws of thinking. In thinking method training, we must strive to overcome the tendency of thinking and strengthen the development of divergent thinking, from the three levels of competence, understanding, application, etc.
<正> 我们所说的解放思想,既是指打破种种精神枷锁,也是指学习正确运用马列主义、毛泽东思想,为正确认识文艺创作反映与服务的对象创造主观条件。 思想解放不可能一次完成。
<正> 砚材的质地优劣直接影响着绘画的效果。好的砚要能发墨、易下墨。中国各地名砚很多,产于婺源县龙尾山的歙砚就是其中之一。 歙州产砚始自唐代。据《砚谱》记载,开元年间
<正> 今年是我的父亲邓散木去世的第十七年,他的右派错案得到了平反改正,遗作《篆刻学》、墨迹《五体书正气歌》、《散木书陶诗》等陆续出版,遗作
<正> 我们要贯彻百花齐放的方针,但是怎样鉴定是花还是草,你说是香花,他说是毒草,究竟谁说了算?例如区别香花和毒草的标准,有一条要看是否有利于党的领导,但怎样算“有利”或