各省、自治区、直辖市,计划单列市总工会,各全国产业工会,新疆生产建设兵团工会宣教(组宣)部: 现将《1997年工会宣教文体工作要点》印发给你们,希望在实施这一工作要点中得到你们的支持与配合。1997年工会宣教工作任务重、要求高,需要各级工会宣教部门通力协作,团结奋斗。请参照《1997年工会宣教文体工作要点》精神,结合本地
Ministry of Education (Group Propaganda Department), Trade Unions of All Provinces, Autonomous Regions, Municipalities directly under the Central Government, City specifically designated in the state plan, the National Federation of Industries, and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps: We hereby issue and issue to you all the “Essentials of the Work of the Workers’ Points to get your support and cooperation. In 1997, the task of missionary work in the trade unions was heavy and demanding. There was a need for the trade unions at all levels to make concerted efforts with the propaganda departments and work hard together. Please refer to the spirit of the ”Essentials of Work in the Trade Unions in 1997" and in combination with the local conditions