已经结束的1999~2000赛季对于现效力于法甲摩纳哥队的挪威中场球员阿尼·雷斯来说,无疑是个成功的赛季。在以相当出色的表现帮助摩队赢得千禧年联赛冠军后,雷斯理所当然地入选了挪威国家队。 实际上这一切如果发生在一个已经功成名就的球星身上是不足为奇的,但是一
The already completed 1999-2000 season is undoubtedly a successful season for Norway’s midfielder Ani Lace, now playing for French-born Monaco. After helping Mountaineers to win the Millennials title in quite decent terms, Résques was taken for the Norwegian national team. In fact, if all this happened in a successful player who is not surprising, but one