Mangrove forest has high litter production, its production is affected by many factors such as latitude, tide, sea salinity and meteorological parameters, and showed obvious seasonal variation. There are 4 main founctions of mangrove litter: one is consumed by benthic animals, mainly crabs and gastropods; one is decomposed directly by microorganisms; some is also exported as soluble organic matter or plant tissues to adjacent ecosystems ; The rest is difficult to break down or synthetic material into the mangrove sediment. Most domestic studies on mangrove litterfall reveal the fate of mangrove litter from qualitative perspectives, but lack of quantitative experimental studies, and therefore lack of a correct understanding of the relative importance of litterfalls. Some previous studies neglected the role of zoobenthos. Future research should pay more attention to the openness of mangrove ecosystems, quantitatively study the fate of litter, and pay attention to the role of benthic organisms in the turnover of mangrove litter. To provide a clear idea of the true fate of mangrove litter.