应“国际麻醉药研究学会(International Narcotic Research Club,INBC)”主席 E.L.Way 教授的邀请,我在最近参加了在美国麻省举行的该学会1979年会,同时有机会参观了华盛顿,波士顿、布法罗、旧金山、贝克莱、Palo Alto 等六个城市的六个实验室,通过这些学术活动介绍了我国针刺镇痛方面的一部分研究成果,向国外同行学习先进技术和了解一些学术动向;同时也增进了中、外科学界,特别是中、美科学界的相互了解。
At the invitation of Professor ELWay, chairman of the International Narcotic Research Club (INBC), I recently attended the Society’s 1979 Annual Meeting held in Massachusetts, USA. I also had the opportunity to visit Washington, Boston, Faro, San Francisco, Berkeley, Palo Alto and other six cities in six laboratories, through these academic activities introduced some of the acupuncture analgesia research results to foreign counterparts to learn advanced technology and learn some academic trends; the same time It also promotes mutual understanding between the Chinese and the scientific communities, especially those in China and the United States.