
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gs086449
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肃宁县自考办自成立以来,勇于开拓,积极进取,狠抓考风考纪,热情为考生服务,多次被省、市评为自考工作先进单位。领导重视肃宁县主管县长亲任自学考试招生委员会主任,定期召开会议,学习有关文件,研究部署自考工作;考试期间,亲自担任考区主任,到考点巡视,狠抓考风考纪。文教局党委一班人亲自到各考点担任考点主任,并抽调局机关骨干到考点、考场监督检查。各级领导的高度重视,为自考工作顺利进行提供了有力的保障。服务到位每年自学考试报名前,自考办都要通过电视、广播、会议、发放宣传材料等形式,鼓励有志青年报考;对于一些重点区域,如学校、机关、大型企业,他们亲自走访,深入挖掘生源。报考时,给考生当参谋,提供全方位的服务,受到了广大考生的好评。几年来,肃宁县大兴自学之风,自考声誉良好,自考生源长盛不衰。管理严格加强涉考人员的管理,是自考工作的重点。每年初,他们都在全县筛选一批素质高、责任心强、作风过硬的骨干教师,形成一支相对稳定的监考教师队伍,集中培训,制订严明的赏罚措施,把监考工作与教师的评职、评优、聘任挂钩,并逐级签订责任状,做到“逐级负责”。考试程序规范,考试纪律严明,有力地杜绝了事故的发生。此外,他们对于考点的建设、试卷的接送、保密室、考点等方面的管理都制订了严格的规章制度,并注重落实,有力地保障了自学考试的顺利进行。 Since its inception Suning County Office since the founding, the courage to forge ahead, proactive, pay close attention to the exam Kaoyan, enthusiasm for the candidates, many times by the provincial and municipal self-examination as advanced units. Leaders pay attention to the chief magistrate of Suning County, the pro-Ren self-study exam admissions committee director, meet regularly to learn the relevant documents, research and deployment of self-examination work; during the exam, personally served as director of the test area, to the test tour, pay close attention to the test. Culture and Education Bureau of a group of people personally to the test center as the test center director, and pumping bureau backbone to the test center, examination room supervision and inspection. The leaders at all levels attach great importance to providing a powerful guarantee for the smooth progress of the self-examination work. Services are in place Every year, self-study examinations should be self-taught examinations, self-examination must be done through television, radio, conferences, dissemination of materials and other forms to encourage aspiring young candidates; for some key areas such as schools, agencies, large enterprises, they personally visited and dig students . Apply for candidates to the staff, provide a full range of services, by the majority of candidates praise. Over the past few years, Suning Daxing self-learning style, self-reputable reputation, self-taught student source everlasting. Management strictly to strengthen the management of the examiners, is the focus of self-examination. At the beginning of each year, all of them selected a group of key teachers with high quality, strong sense of responsibility and good style of work in the county to form a relatively stable contingent of teachers who participated in the examinations. They concentrated on training and formulated strict penalties for punishment and punishment. Job, appraisal, appointment linked to, and gradually signed a responsibility, so that “responsible for step by step.” Examination procedures norms, strict examination, effectively put an end to the accident. In addition, they formulated strict rules and regulations for the construction of test centers, the delivery of papers, confidential rooms, test centers and other aspects of management, and pay attention to the implementation, effectively guaranteeing the smooth progress of self-study examinations.
采用一种改进的共沉淀法制备了纳米磁铁矿(Fe3O4)及Ni2+掺杂磁铁矿(Ni x Fe3-x O4,x=0.1,0.3,0.6),用X-射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、氮气物理性吸附、酸碱滴定等手段对产
1976年以来,我院采用恒定磁场治疗海绵状血管瘤,本文对局限性海绵状血管瘤64例进行了临床观察,效果较好,现报告如下。 一般资料 64例中,男28例,女36例。年龄最小为出生后2个
1995年9月,美国最大的电报电话企业AT&T宣布解体,在美国引起很大震动。作者根据自己的观察和思考,分析了AT&T解体的真实原因,从中得出重要的启示。 In September 1995, the