刚刚过去的1999年,是共和国历史上不平凡的一年。在这一年里,我们先是庆祝共和国50华诞,之后又迎来了澳门回归的大喜日子,紧接着又和各国人民一起迎接新千年的到来。与此同时,各地媒体,也以自己特有的方式,及时地把这些活动的真情实景向亿万人民进行了报道。按照我们民族的传统习惯,在大喜日子的夜晚,城市大都灯火辉煌,在进行联欢活动时甚至还要燃放五彩缤纷的焰火,营造出一种火树银花、异彩纷呈的节日景象。用照相机纪录下这美好时光,让更多的人通过照片感受到这浓郁的节日气氛,成为每位新闻工作者和摄影爱好者的强烈愿望。但是,由于夜间摄影光线较白天暗得多,光线强弱变化快,因此拍出的照片往往不如我们在现场看到的那么理想。这里我结合自己的工作实践,谈谈夜景摄影。 1、拍摄节日焰火:摄影者事先要作好充分的准备,最好使用快速胶片(如ISO400/27),准备好三角架和快
The year 1999 just passed is an extraordinary year in the history of the Republic. During this year, we first celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Republic and ushered in the happy day of the return of Macao. Then we embarked with the peoples of all countries to welcome the new millennium. At the same time, the media in various places have also timely reported the truth of these activities to hundreds of millions of people in a unique way. According to the traditions of our nation, on the night of the great day, most of the cities are brightly lit with colorful fireworks displayed during the party, creating a colorful festival of fireworks. Use the camera to record this wonderful time, so that more people feel through photos of this rich holiday atmosphere, as every journalist and photographer’s strong desire. However, because the light at night is much darker than the daytime and the light intensity changes rapidly, photos taken are often less desirable than we have seen on site. Here I combine my own work practice, talking about night photography. 1, shooting the festival fireworks: Photographers in advance to make adequate preparations, the best use of fast film (such as ISO400 / 27), ready tripod and fast