阳光和煦的五月,美丽的昆明向人们展示着春城独特的魅力。 5月23日,云南师范大学(原西南联大)的校园内沸腾了。因为这天在闻一多先生曾经做最后一次演讲的会场将迎来规模空前的首届全国“红河杯”演讲大赛的颁奖仪式。鼓乐声中,当载着首届全国“红河杯”演讲大赛选手们的专车驶进师大时,掌声经久不息。此刻在步入会场的获奖者中间有一位步态沉稳、高雅脱俗的中年女性,她立刻被在此等候已久的云南师范大学的同学们团团围住,他们将准备好的鲜花送到了她的手中,十分激动地说:“我们已经听过您两场演讲,太精彩了,真是撼人心魄啊!”
Warm sunshine May, the beautiful Kunming to show people the unique charm of Spring City. May 23, Yunnan Normal University (formerly Southwest United) campus boiling. Because this day in Mr. Wen Yiduo had made the final speech of the venue will usher in the first ever national “Honghe Cup” speech contest awards ceremony. Drum music, when carrying the first national “Red River Cup” speech contestants who drive into the Normal University, the applause prolonged. At the moment there was a middle-aged woman of steady and elegant gait among the winners who walked into the venue. She was immediately surrounded by classmates at this long-awaited Yunnan Normal University who sent the prepared flowers to her Very excitedly said: “We have heard your two speeches, too exciting, really awesome ah!”