这里的“大气”不是吝啬的反义词,而是指教师在课堂教学中表现出的大家风范:充满自信、运筹帷幄、不急不躁、不拘小节的教学素质,这是当今教育对教师提出的素质要求之一。因此,我们应该努力追求课堂教学中的这种“大气”。一、注意三个“不要” 1.情节不要太多。要“大气”,在一堂课上不能设计很多的情节,要尽可能使情节单一、集中,便于学生集中精力和时间对问题做深入的有效的研究讨论。如一位教师在教学“多位数的读法”时,安排的情
The “atmosphere” here is not an antonym of stinginess, but refers to the style of teachers displayed by teachers in the classroom: full of self-confidence, strategizing, not hurried impatience, informality of teaching quality, which is the education of teachers in today’s quality requirements one. Therefore, we should strive to pursue this “atmosphere” in classroom teaching. First, pay attention to three “Do not” 1. The plot should not be too much. To “atmosphere”, in a class can not design a lot of plots, as far as possible to make the plot a single, focused, to facilitate students to concentrate and time to do in-depth and effective discussion of the issue. When a teacher is teaching “multi-digit reading,” arrangements are made