《音乐世界》90年第二期刊登的由田逢俊作词,薛明作曲的《赖宁,你昕我说》是一首别开生面的歌曲。歌曲歌颂少年英雄赖宁,却由一位长辈唱出。在赖宁的事迹面前,一种冲击,一种激励,一种感慨系之的赞叹,在老一辈的心中油然生出。“赖宁,你听我说”, “你短暂的十四个春秋,用心灵燃起了不灭的灯火,我漫长的几十年岁月,让白发记下了多少蹉跎”。因此,“你把一切献给祖国,光辉的品格,照亮了我的心窝”。啊,
“Music world” published in the second issue of 90 by Tian Feng Jun lyrics, composer Xue Ming “Lai Ning, you Xin I said,” is a fantastic song. Singing song teenager Ryan, but by an elder sing. In the face of the deeds of Lenin, an impact, an inspiration and a compliment of feeling, is spontaneously born in the hearts of the older generation. “Lai Ning, you listen to me,” “Your short fourteen years of spring and fall, with the soul ignited the eternal lights, my long decades, so that the white hair write down how much.” Therefore, “you give everything to the motherland, glorious character, light up my heart.” what,