瑞典皇家科学院将1998年度诺贝尔经济学奖授予了英国剑桥大学教授阿马蒂亚·森(Amartya Sen),以表彰他“在福利经济学的基础研究课题上作出数项关键性的贡献,举凡公共选择的一般理论、福利与贫穷指标的定义,到对饥荒的实证研究皆属其贡献范围”。他将于12月10日即诺贝尔逝世纪念日前去斯德哥尔摩领取总数达760万克朗(96万美元)的奖金。瑞典皇家科学院在宣布颁奖的时候说:森“通过把经济学和哲学工具相结合,使有关重要经济问题的讨论重新具有了伦理方面的考虑。”公告指出:“通过分析关于作出集体决策时不同个人的福利问
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Economics to Amartya Sen, a professor at the University of Cambridge, in recognition of “a number of key contributions to basic research in welfare economics. The general theory of public choice, the definition of well-being and poverty indicators, and the empirical study of famine are all examples of their contribution. ” He will go to Stockholm for a total of 7.6 million crowns (960,000 U.S. dollars) on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel’s death. In announcing the awards, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said: “Senate” reinterpreted the discussion of important economic issues with ethical considerations by combining economics and philosophical tools. “The bulletin states:” By analyzing differences in decision making about collective decisions Personal welfare questions