分泌性中耳炎 (otitismediawitheffusion ,OME)是耳科常见的致聋性疾病之一。目前 ,对OME的病因及发病机理尚未完全阐明。多年来 ,国内外学者一致认为 ,咽鼓管功能障碍是其主要病因。近年 ,随着免疫学和分子生物学的研究进展 ,对OME病因的探讨也在逐步深入。越来越多的研究结果表明 ,免疫反应与OME的发病有关。Dinis指出 ,免疫因素可能最终成为OME发病唯一最主要的致病因素 ,而细胞因子 (cytokines ,CK)的免疫调节在免疫反应中发挥着重要作用。据报道 ,已发现有多种CK存在于OME的中耳积液 (middleeareffusions,MEE)中 ,参与OME的形成及发展演变过程。现将OME的病因研究概况及MEE中存在的CK及其作用综述如下。
Otitis mediais otitis (otitismediawitheffusion, OME) is one of the common deafness diseases in otology. At present, the etiology and pathogenesis of OME have not been fully elucidated. Over the years, domestic and foreign scholars agree that eustachian tube dysfunction is the main cause. In recent years, with the progress of immunology and molecular biology research, the etiology of OME is also gradually in-depth. More and more research results show that the immune response and the incidence of OME. Dinis pointed out that immune factors may eventually become the single most important causative agent for the pathogenesis of OME, and immune regulation of cytokines (CK) plays an important role in the immune response. It has been reported that various CKs have been found in the middle ear effusion (MEE) of OME and are involved in the formation and evolution of OME. Overview of the etiology of OME and CK and its role in MEE are summarized below.