国际地层委员会 (ICS)大约有 4 0 0个成员组织 ,在它的许多活动中大约有 4 0 0 0名地层学家参与。在 2 0 0 0年 8月里约热内卢召开的国际地质大会与国际地质科学联合会 (IUGS)委员会议上选举产生了新一届ICS委员会组成人员。主 席 :FeliyM .Gradstei
There are about 400 member organizations of the International Commission on Geology (ICS), with some 4 0 000 of them in many of its activities. At the International Geological Congress and the IUGS Committee meeting held in Rio de Janeiro in August 2000, a new member of the ICS committee was elected. Chairman: Feliy M. Grasssi