在美国佬轰炸阿富汗的同时,美国本土乃至整个西方世界都遭遇了白色粉末──炭疽病的袭击。据说,恐怖分子大多使用了信件邮寄的方式传播病菌。一时间,人们谈邮变色,纷纷改弦更张。 于是,电子邮件火了起来。 据此,有人说“911”给IT业带来了新的商机。如果他们是根
While the Yankees bombed Afghanistan, the United States and the entire Western world were hit by white powder anthrax. Allegedly, most of the terrorists used the mailing method to spread germs. For a time, people talk about postal color, have changed their way. So, the e-mail fire up. Accordingly, some people say that “911” has brought new business opportunities to the IT industry. If they are root