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写这篇短文,是由这么一件事触发的:某局组织新闻单位进行集体采访.接待十分热情,认真介绍情况,但没想到,有的记者在会上竞仰脸打起了“呼噜”,有的则自管聊天,使介绍情况的同志十分尴尬。会后,这个单位的领导大惑不解地说:真没想到,记者会给我留下这么个形象。此种情况虽属个别,但有些记者在采访中不注意自身形象的情况,确是存在。比如,有的记者同采访对象约定了开座谈会的时间,但过了一二个小时也不见人影;有的记者下去采访时,要这要那,把采访活 Written this essay, triggered by such a thing: a bureau organization news unit for a collective interview.He received a very warm, serious introduction, but did not expect that some journalists competing in the meeting playing face up “snore” , While others chatted from one another so that the comrades who introduced the situation were awkward. After the meeting, the leadership of this unit said puzzled: I really did not expect, the reporter will give me leave such an image. Although this kind of situation is individual, some reporters do not pay attention to their own image in the interview, indeed there is. For example, some journalists and interviewees agreed on the time for opening a forum, but after an hour or two they did not see any appearances. Some reporters went to interview and wanted this interview.