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目的掌握盐城市亭湖区结核病流行现状和流行趋势,为制定结核病控制对策提供科学依据。方法采用分层整群等比例随机抽样方法,对流调点15岁及以上(出生日期在1995年12月31日之前)的常住人口进行胸部X线检查(怀孕、行动不便者以痰代胸片);对所有受检者现场进行社会经济学问卷调查。对所有胸部X线检查异常者及肺结核可疑症状者进行3次痰结核分枝杆菌涂片和2次痰结核分枝杆菌培养检查。结果抽样人群应检人口1 767人,实检1 712人,受检率为96.89%。盐城市亭湖区肺结核的患病率由2000年的0.47%降至2010年的0.29%,其中传染性肺结核患病率下降尤为明显,由2000年的0.17%下降到0.06%,十年降幅约为64%。结论结核病疫情形势依然严峻,耐多药结核病的危害日益凸显,结核病/艾滋病病毒双重感染的防治工作亟待拓展,防治工作面临诸多挑战,需要全社会长期不懈的努力。 Objective To understand the prevalence and epidemic trend of tuberculosis in Pavilion Lake, Yancheng City, and to provide a scientific basis for formulating tuberculosis control strategies. Methods A stratified cluster was used to carry out chest X-ray examination of the resident population 15 years of age and older (born before Dec. 31, 1995) by stratified random sampling. ); Socio-economic survey of all subjects on-site survey. All patients with abnormal chest X-ray examination and suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis were sputum Mycobacterium smegmatis smear and 2 sputum Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture examination. Results The sample population should be checked population of 1 767, the actual test of 1 712 people, the examination rate was 96.89%. The prevalence of tuberculosis in Pavilion Lake District in Yancheng fell from 0.47% in 2000 to 0.29% in 2010, of which the incidence of infectious tuberculosis dropped significantly from 0.17% in 2000 to 0.06%, with a 10-year decline of about 64%. Conclusion The epidemic situation of tuberculosis is still grim, the harm of MDR-TB is increasingly prominent. The prevention and control of tuberculosis / HIV dual infection needs to be expanded urgently. Prevention and treatment are faced with many challenges, which require the long-term unremitting efforts of the whole society.
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