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出版业务调整的定量决策是出版业决策方式向精细化管理方向发展的大势所趋。出版业务调整定量决策流程的步骤如下:(1)借鉴四象限分析法,选择合适的统计量;(2)根据出版社的内部数据,综合开卷公司提供的各门类图书销售额、动销品种等数据,计算出拟分析的各门类的统计数据,如市场份额、出版效率等,并将结果汇总绘制成四象限分析图;(3)根据四象限分析图对拟分析的图书门类进行市场属性分类,筛选出重点门类,并确定总体的投资策略;(4)综合全市场销售总金额和拟分析门类的市场竞争态势,确立符合出版社实际、切实可行的市场份额目标,从而推算出各门类可能达到的市场规模及理论上合理的人员配备数,将理论值与实际配备相比较,供调整人力配备时参考。 The quantitative decision-making in the adjustment of publishing business is the general trend of the decision-making mode of publishing industry to the development of meticulous management. (2) According to the internal data of the publishing house, comprehensively unrolls the data of various types of book sales and sales varieties provided by the company , Calculate the statistics of various categories to be analyzed, such as market share, publishing efficiency, etc., and draw the results into a four-quadrant analysis diagram; (3) According to the four-quadrant analysis chart, classify the market attributes of the to-be- (4) Based on the total amount of sales in the whole market and the competition situation in the market to be analyzed, establish the market share objective that is in line with the actual and practicable market position of the publishing house, so as to draw the conclusion that the various categories may reach The size of the market and the rationale for the number of staffing, the theoretical value compared with the actual equipment for the provision of reference for the adjustment of human resources.
根据所谓冰臼群所处的地理位置及地貌部位, 提出由于广东不在高纬度和高海拔区, 第四纪时不具备冰川发育条件, 事实上也没有人发现有确切的冰川遗迹, 孑遗植物和热带、亚热带的生物群化石也佐证没有冰川出现过。据此, 我们认为所谓冰臼群, 实是河床壶穴地貌。
采用座逾渗模型,引入计算机控制扫描电镜(computer-controlled scanning electron microscope,CCSEM)矿物原粒径数据作模型初始矿物数据,考察了不同孔隙分布对煤焦转化与破碎