曾经在欧美、日本并在港台地区引发狂潮的兵人收藏近年来正在国内慢慢兴起。初次听说“兵人”这个词感到很新奇, 没想到如今的玩偶收藏也分得如此之细。虽然对国内很多人来说,兵人还是个新鲜词,然而它的年龄已届“不惑之年”了。1962年,生产过风靡一时的变形金刚的美国孩之宝公司以美国历史人物和美国大兵为题材,以1:6的比例(大约30厘米高) 生产出兵人玩偶,又叫12寸军偶。而喜爱它的玩家把它叫做“男人的芭比娃娃”。“9·11”后,世界各地兵人玩具更成为大热门, 很多兵人刚一上架便被抢购一空。
The collection of soldiers who once caused frenzy in Europe, the United States, Japan and Hong Kong and Taiwan is slowly rising in China. For the first time I heard the word “soldier” is very strange, did not think today’s doll collection is also divided so fine. Although many people in the country, the soldier is still a new word, however, its age has been “Never Confused Year” had. In 1962, Hasbro, the maker of the all-time Transformers, produced historical figures and American soldiers as the target, producing a 12-inch soldier doll at a 1: 6 ratio (about 30 cm high). Players who love it call it “Barbie Man.” After “9.11”, soldier toys around the world have become a hot topic. Many soldiers were sold out immediately after they shelved.