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党的十六大报告提出:必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设极为重要的任务,纳入国民教育的全过程。为了积极贯彻党的十六大精神,2003年10月,全国少工委在各级少先队组织中启动、开展了“民族精神代代传”话动。这项活动也是2004年全队的重点活动。在新的一年里,辅导员老师要充分认识在少年儿童中弘扬和培育民族精神的重要性和紧迫性。那么,在实际操作中,应该如何正确把握民族精神的丰富内容?不断挖掘民族精神的深刻思想和时代要求?如何以“中国了不起、中国人了不起、做个了不起的中国人”为主要内容,创造出更加新颖、生动活泼的操作模式?如何以孩子们喜闻乐见的形式让民族精神扎根于他们心中……为此,本刊编辑部在“活动方案”、“队的月历”和“活动超市”栏目中,以“民族精神代代传”活动为主题,为辅导员们提供了一组具体的活动方案和丰富的活动思路,供辅导员们学习和参考。 The report of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out: We must take the promotion and cultivation of the national spirit as an extremely important task in cultural construction and incorporate it into the entire process of national education. In order to actively implement the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress, in October 2003, the National Youth Work Committee was started in the Young Pioneers at all levels and then started the “national spirit from generation to generation”. This event is also the focus of the team in 2004. In the new year, counselors and teachers should fully understand the importance and urgency of promoting and nurturing their national spirit in children and adolescents. So, in practice, how to correctly grasp the rich content of the national spirit? Keep digging for the profound thoughts and requirements of the times in the national spirit? How to create “Chinese great, Chinese great and amazing Chinese” as the main content A more innovative and lively mode of operation? How to make children loved the form of national spirit rooted in their hearts ... ... Therefore, the editorial department in the “program”, “team calendar” and “activities supermarket” section In the theme of “national spirit from generation to generation,” for the counselors to provide a specific program of activities and a wealth of activities for counselors to learn and reference.
一个国家秘密过多过滥,则其民众知情权必定过少过窄。经过15年的长途跋涉,《中华人民共和国保守国家秘密法》开始了“以公开为原则,以保密为例外”的艰难嬗变。    2月24日召开的十一届全国人大常委会第十三次会议上,《保密法》第二次提交审议,二审稿与一审稿相比,在国家秘密范围的明确、定密权的上收、保密期限与及时解密的设定,以及保密行政管理部门调查权和罚款权的取消等方面做了诸多修改。  参与该法修订过程
作者:黄仁宇出版社:生活·读书·新知三联书店出版时间:1997-5-1ISBN:9787108009821推荐理由:《万历十五年》是美籍华裔历史学家黄仁宇先生的代表作。这是一部改变 Author:
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