一、填空题(只需要填代号)。(15分) 鲁迅作品选入初中语文课本中的有:A《从百草园到三味书屋》、B《社戏》、C《一件小事》、D《故乡》、E《论雷峰塔的倒掉》、F《藤野先生》、G《孔乙己》、H《“友邦惊诧”论》。 1.接作品的体裁分,小说是_______;散文是______,杂文是______。 2.从作品的出处看,选自短篇小说集《呐喊》的是_______,选自散文集《朝花夕拾》的是________;选自杂文集《二心集》和《坟》的是 3.从作品的写作年代看,这八篇作品的发表的年代先后顺序是 4.从作品的思想内容看,①表现知识分子向劳动人民学习,严于自我解剖,勇于自我批评精神的是_____;②表达敬重、怀念老师的感情,以及弃医从文的思想变化的是
First, fill in the blanks (just fill in the code). (15 points) Selected works of Lu Xun into junior high school Chinese textbooks include: A “From Baicaoyuan to Sanwei Bookstore”, B “Society Play”, C “A Small Thing”, D “Hometown”, E “On Leifeng Tower’s Pour ”Off“, F ”Mr. Fujino“, G ”Kong Yiji“, H ”“ Afraid of AIA”. 1. The genre points of the works are _______; prose is ______ and essays are ______. 2. From the point of view of the work, _______ from the short story collection “Scream” is selected from the essay collection “Towards the Morning of the Flower”; it is ________; it is selected from the collection of essays “Set of Two Hearts” and “Tomb”. 3. From the perspective of the writing’s writing age, the chronological order of the publication of these eight works is 4. From the perspective of the ideological content of the work, 1 it is the performance of intellectuals who learn from the working people, their strict self-dissection, and their courage to be self-critical. _____;2 The expression of respect, the memory of the teacher’s feelings,