两鬓如霜 宝刀不老——介绍老战士合唱团

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一九七九年国庆三十周年前夕,解放军各总部以及国务院各部委、北京市的一部分曾在部队中做过文艺工作和爱好文艺的离、退休或即将离、退休的老同志,成立了业余的艺术合唱团——老战士合唱团。他们中间,包括从建军初期直至抗美 On the eve of the thirtieth anniversary of the National Day in 1979, PLA headquarters, ministries and commissions under the State Council and part of Beijing Municipality had worked in the armed forces as literary work and lovers of literature and art, retired or departing from retirement, and established amateurs Art Chorus - veterans choir. Among them, from the early days of the founding of the PRC to the resistance to the United States