The past and future of functional clothing

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  Abstract:The appearance and development are functional clothing should be the call of The Times, is essential for human society development to a certain level of product. At this time, the application of functional clothing in China is a barren and wide field, so the development of functional clothing in China has a wide space.
  Key words: functional clothing
  Clothing, as an essential part of human life, was originally created to protect the human body from natural disasters. With the development of society, the function of clothing has changed greatly. In terms of function, clothing is no longer able to resist simple natural disasters, but also increases the responsibility to protect human beings from harm in some special environment. It is these demands that make the function of clothing be rerecognized and valued.
  1. Research history of functional clothing
  The original functional clothing originated from the clothing hygiene, is the core of the clothing hygiene. The earliest research on the function of clothing originates from people's understanding of the harm of clothing. In the west, the idea of functional clothing can be traced back to the ancient Greek theory of skin respiration.In the late 18th century, with the development of science and technology, people began to examine the function of clothing from a rational perspective. Many researchers in costume hygiene emerged.
  The study on functional clothing in China originated from the evaluation of the thermal insulation performance of clothing by the PLA general post - military equipment research institute in the 1960s. In the 1970s and 1980s, functional clothing began to be systematically studied, and a number of experts in this field emerged successively in the army and universities. After entering the 1990 s, our country in the functional clothing made great progress in the field of research, in recent years, with the development of science and technology and new materials research has made significant progress, in the special environment in our country to use the function of the protective clothing research has made significant progress.
  2.The current situation of survival in China
  (1)The current situation of survival in China's education teaching
  Clothing specialty is relatively common in higher education colleges and universities, no matter in design or engineering. This phenomenon reserve a sufficient number of talents for the development of China's garment industry, which is the positive role of the clothing major in education teaching. However, in some colleges and universities, clothing majors focus on fashion design and ignore students' learning and understanding of functional clothing. In the modern era of high technology, the change of clothing styles has almost reached the extreme level, while functional clothing is a barren and wide field. In the 1970s and 1980s, some universities began to study functional clothing and achieved results. However, there are still many colleges and universities that do not have a deep understanding of functional clothing, and lack of students on this aspect of training and cognition. In university of the higher education schools, the students began to understand the clothing industry, for the industry to see if there is sufficient understanding and correct judgment, it's about the bright future of professional learning of students engaged in clothing, it is more about the future of the apparel industry. The development trend of functional clothing is the demand of The Times. Colleges and universities should cultivate talents who can create value for the society in response to the development of The Times.   (2)The current situation of practical application in China
  China is a large country in the production and manufacturing of clothing. Processing facilities for functional clothing are plentiful in China, but they are by no means sold abroad. There are two main reasons. First, no attention. Many managers think that protection is not necessary to clothing, need to dress as large area protection risk of accidents and not happen very often, protective clothing tend to sacrifice part in comfort, the price is expensive. Second small audience, although aspects in recent years our country economy fast development, but because of national development state is different, in some special environmental movement personnel's quantity is much lower than abroad, domestic demand for the limited state. Third, because the demand market is not strong and the price is low, the manufacturers are not motivated enough to invest in research and development, the product level is not high, and the protection ability is low.
  3. Development trend of functional clothing
  As a low level of development in the garment industry, functional clothing has ushered in unprecedented opportunities with the development of economic science and technology. Especially in China, economic growth has not only raised people's living standards, but also raised people's awareness of the protection of people themselves. This requires that the market should be able to adapt to a variety of special environmental functional clothing. At present, the European and American countries in terms of functional clothing research and demand is relatively broad, they not only focus on all kinds of special operation environment, also like to participate in a test of people's outdoor sports, close to nature. These promoted the development of functional clothing in Europe and America. In the demand of functional clothing, the state of Europe and America today is the state of our country in the future. Therefore, the development of functional clothing in China has a vast space.
  [1]BOUCHER Fancois.A History Of Costume In The West[M].London:Thames&Hudson Ltd,1987.
  [2]EWING Elizabeth. History Of Twentieth Century[M].London:B T Batsford,1986.
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