本届意大利杯赛概况 1990年第14届世界杯足球赛计有113个国家报名参赛,经过预赛,至1989年12月已有24支球队取得在意大利决赛的资格。赛期为1990年6月8日至7月9日。24支参赛队包括14支欧洲队,4支南美队,2支亚洲队,2支非洲队,2支中北美洲队,包括东道主意大利队和上届冠军阿根廷队。它们将被分为6组,每组4队,从6月8日至21日分别在罗马——佛罗伦萨;那不勒斯—巴里;都灵——热那亚;米兰——波罗格纳;维罗纳——乌迪内;卡利阿里——帕勒莫进行外围赛。决出的16支队将移师罗马再战,决出冠亚军。斯德特集团提供先进的通讯设备
The current Italian Cup Overview 1990 14th FIFA World Cup total of 113 countries enrolled, after the preliminaries, to December 1989 has 24 teams qualify for the Italian Finals. The race will be from June 8 to July 9, 1990. The 24 teams include 14 European teams, 4 South American teams, 2 Asian teams, 2 African teams and 2 Central and North American teams, including host Italy team and the previous champion Argentina team. They will be divided into 6 groups of 4 teams each from Rome to Florence from June 8 to 21; Naples - Bari; Turin - Genoa; Milan - Bologna; Verona - - Udine; Caliari - Palermo qualifying. The 16 teams decided to move to Rome to fight again, decided to crown the runner-up. Si Te Te Group provides advanced communications equipment