目的了解天津市0~14岁儿童伤害发生的现状,为制定相关干预政策和开展儿童安全教育提供依据。方法数据源自天津市发病报告监测体系中2015年首次因伤害就诊于各级医疗机构的病例资料。结果 2015年天津市共报告0~14岁儿童伤害33 751例,发生率为2 624.62/10万,男女性别比为1.78∶1,城乡比为1.33∶1。伤害原因前5位的是跌倒(13 971例,占41.39%)、动物致伤(8 562例,占25.37%)、交通伤害(2 715例,占8.04%)、砸伤(1 479例,占4.38%)和利器割伤(1 432例,占4.24%)。轻、中、重度和死亡依次为24 947例(73.91%)、7 520例(22.28%)、1 196例(3.54%)和88例(0.26%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=50.22,P<0.001),且不同年龄组间差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001)。男童和城市儿童是预防伤害发生的重点人群;而死亡分析中,男童和农村儿童是干预的重点人群。结论应根据儿童不同年龄段、不同性别特征有针对性、有重点的进行干预,减少儿童伤害的发生。
Objective To understand the current situation of injury among children aged 0 ~ 14 in Tianjin and to provide the basis for formulating relevant intervention policies and developing child safety education. Method data from Tianjin incidence reporting monitoring system for the first time in 2015 for treatment at all levels of medical institutions, case information. Results In 2015, a total of 33 751 children aged 0-14 were reported to be injured in Tianjin. The incidence rate was 2624.62 / 100 000, with a sex ratio of 1.78:1 and a ratio of urban to rural areas of 1.33:1. The top 5 causes of injuries were falls (13 971 cases, 41.39%), animal injuries (8 562 cases, accounting for 25.37%), traffic injuries (2 715 cases, 8.04%), bruises (1 479 cases, Accounting for 4.38%) and cutlery (1 432 cases, accounting for 4.24%). 24947 cases (73.91%), 7 520 cases (22.28%), 1 196 cases (3.54%) and 88 cases (0.26%) were mild, moderate, severe and death, the difference was statistically significant (χ2 = P <0.001), and the differences between different age groups were statistically significant (P <0.001). Boys and urban children are the focus groups for preventing injuries; in the analysis of deaths, boys and rural children are the key groups for intervention. Conclusion According to different age groups of children, different gender characteristics should be targeted, focused intervention to reduce the occurrence of child injury.