
来源 :财经界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GaryCong
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在经济活动中的起点公平就是机会均等,没有特权在经济活动中的起点公平就是机会均等,没有特权。你能做的事我也能做;我不能做的事你也不能做。没有什么事只有你才能做不让别人做的。你能开银行,我也能开银行。你能进口石油我也一样可以。如此,没有特权就是法律面前人人平等的意思。这一点在中国还远未能做到。有不少行业只有国家能办, The starting point for fairness in the economy is equality of opportunity. No privilege. Equality in the starting point of economic activity means equal opportunity and no privilege. I can do what you can do; you can not do what I can not do. There’s nothing you can do to stop others from doing anything. You can open a bank, I can open a bank. You can import oil, I can do the same. In this way, without privileges is the meaning of equality before the law. This is far from done in China. There are many industries that only countries can handle,