Hydrogen Permeation Behaviors of X52 Pipeline Steel in NACE A Solution with Saturated H_2S/CO_2

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanqiefanqie
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With the aid of hydrogen permeating devices, the hydrogen permeation behaviors of X52 pipeline steel in NACE A solution with saturated H2S/CO2 were studied under the conditions of different ambient temperatures and pH values, and the hydrogen permeation behaviors of X52 pipeline steel in weld seam zone were comparatively studied. The experimental results show that the hydrogen permeation coefficient value is directly proportional to the time required for reaching the saturation anode current and inversely proportional to the saturation anode current, and the hydrogen permeation coefficient is influenced by the corrosion scales; the temperature is directly proportional to the saturation anode current, and the hydrogen permeation coefficient is influenced by the temperature and corrosion scales, heat-affected zone and matrix zone in NACE A solution with saturated H2S/CO2 at normal temperature. The hydrogen permeation coefficient in weld seam zone is larger than that in heat-affected zone which is further larger than that in matrix zone. With the aid of hydrogen permeation devices, the hydrogen permeation behaviors of X52 pipeline steel in NACE A solution with saturated H2S / CO2 were studied under the conditions of different ambient temperatures and pH values, and the hydrogen permeation behaviors of X52 pipeline steel in weld seam The experimental results show the hydrogen permeation coefficient value is directly proportional to the time required for for the saturation anode current and inversely proportional to the saturation anode current, and the hydrogen permeation coefficient is influenced by the corrosion scales; the temperature is directly proportional to the saturation anode current, and the hydrogen permeation coefficient is influenced by the temperature and corrosion scales, heat-affected zone and matrix zone in NACE A solution with saturated H2S / CO2 at normal temperature. The hydrogen permeation coefficient in weld seam zone is larger than that in heat-affected zone which is further larger than that in matrix zone
人生中有太多的人和事会遗忘,而43年前,17岁的我,一次偶遇丰子恺先生时的情景,却是留在脑海中永远挥之不去的记忆。  那是“文革”开始的第一年,1966年11月上旬,我和一个同学以“革命大串连”的名义,由长沙、杭州一路“免费旅游”似的晃荡到了上海。由于是美术专业的学生,我们自然要去上海画院,走走看看。  一个清晨,已记不清是什么原因了,那么早就去了画院。时值深秋时节,前一日还是小阳春,却一场寒流来
主持人:袁鸣  嘉宾:陈一舟(千橡互动集团董事长兼首席执行官)  观察员:赵民(北京正略钧策企业咨询有限公司董事长)   刘健(千橡互动联席首席运营官)  陈葵(微软华东区总经理)    陈一舟,千橡互动集团董事长兼首席执行官,1987年武汉大学物理系计算机专业,1993年麻省理工学院机械工程系MIT硕士学位,1997年斯坦福大学商学院MBA机电工程,1999年出任ChinaRen.com董事长兼
主持人:杨帆  嘉宾:李连杰 著名电影演员、慈善家、国际性公益组织壹基金发起人      李连杰,1963年生于北京,1971年走上习武之路,共夺得大小冠军五十余次,是70年代中国武术界的常胜将军。1982年,推出处女作《少林寺》轰动全国,并引发继李小龙之后第二次全球武术热潮。之后拍摄了《黄飞鸿》、《霍元甲》、《投名状》等多部经典电影。2007年正式创立中国红十字会“李连杰壹基金计划”,2009年