1959年禾谷蓟马(Haplothrips aculeatus Fabr.)在天津及沧州附近为害小麦和水稻很严重。该虫于4月下旬在小麦叶片上吸食汁液,吸食后叶片成白枯斑点,严重的叶片卷曲或枯死,小麦开花时期则又群集小穗内吸食花粉汁液及幼嫩的芒及颖壳,使麦芒变白弯曲,子实不孕造成秕粒或小穗脱落。据在沧州调查,麦芒被害率几达100%,小穗脱落及不实者达21.7—67%。在谷苗上多潛居叶鞘与茎之间的避光处或心叶内,不易被人发现。主要为害心叶及幼嫩叶片,如未抽出的心叶被害重时,常枯萎而死,这种枯心苗占各种枯心苗的11.7%。如为害刚要伸展的心叶时则在吸食处仅留下一层薄薄表皮,当心叶展开后在被害处形成枯白色斑。幼嫩叶片常在被害处引起缢缩破裂或叶片卷折,被害严重田远望谷苗叶片象被刀切过一样。严重
1959 Haplothrips aculeatus Fabr. Harms wheat and rice near Tianjin and Cangzhou. The insects in late April in the leaves of the wheat juice on the intake, after taking leaves into white spot, serious leaves curled or withered, wheat flowering spikelet and then during the group to take in pollen juice and tender young Mount and glume shell, Wheat Mang white bend, sub-real infertility caused by grains or spikelets off. According to a survey in Cangzhou, the number of mahogany killed nearly 100%, spikelet off and inaccurate up to 21.7-67%. In Miao Miao on the habitat and the stems between the phreatic stems or leaves, it is not easy to be found. The main damage to leaves and young leaves, if not extracted when the heart leaves are often wilt died, this kind of dry seedlings accounted for 11.7% of all kinds of dry seedlings. Such as the damage just to be extended when the heart leaves in the Department of the only left a thin layer of epidermis, beware of leaves after the formation of lithe in the dry spots. Young leaves are often caused by shrinkage contractions rupture or leaf folding at the victim, seriously killed Tian Yuan Wang Gu Miao leaves like a knife cut the same. serious