近年来,草莓栽培面积随城市人民的需要而迅速扩大,但鲜果不耐贮运,供应时间短。为了使鲜果能四季供应,适应上海市场和人民生活的需要,我们自1984年起进行了草莓露地栽培、半促成栽培和促成栽培的试验,并获得了初步结果。一、育苗 1.选好母株。于6月上旬草莓结果后期选择结果好、生长健壮、无病虫害、无明显退化症状的母株,带土挖出种于事先准备好的苗床中。苗床选择土质疏松肥沃,排水良好
In recent years, the area of strawberry cultivation rapidly expands with the needs of the urban people, but the fresh fruit is not good for storage and transportation and the supply time is short. In order to supply fresh fruits in four seasons and adapt to the needs of Shanghai market and people’s life, we have carried out experiments on field cultivation, semi-promotion cultivation and cultivation cultivation of strawberry since 1984, and obtained preliminary results. First, nursery 1. Select the mother plant. In early June strawberry results late results to choose good results, robust growth, disease-free pests, no obvious symptoms of degradation of the mother plant, digging soil planted seedbed in advance. Select loose beds of fertile soil, good drainage