本文描述了北京白皮松上一种新的重要蛀干害虫——品穴星坑小蠹Pityogenes scitus Blandford,它分布于我国西藏、尼泊尔、印度和巴基斯坦,寄主植物为雪松、乔松、西藏白皮松和西藏长叶松。在北京品穴星坑小蠹为害白皮松,成虫入侵生长不良的白皮松主干或枝条,大量小蠹的为害可致白皮松死亡;品穴星坑小蠹也可入侵健康的白皮松,但小蠹死亡率很高。本文提供了品穴星坑小蠹的鉴别特征,附有识别特征图,并依据生物学特性提出防治策略,重点在于植物检疫和提高白皮松的健康水平。
This paper describes Pityogenes scitus Blandford, a new important pest of Pinus bungeana, which is distributed in Tibet, Nepal, India and Pakistan of China. The host plants are Cedrus delavayi, Qiaosong, Tibet bungeana and Tibet Long Ye Song. Pinacatus cinnabarinus is the victim of Pinus bungeana in Beijing, and the adults invade the main branches or branches of Pinus bungeana which grow badly. The damage caused by a large number of beetles can cause Pinus pinaster to die. high. This paper provides the identification characteristics of pinworm pit borer, with identification features map, and based on biological characteristics of prevention and control strategies, with emphasis on phytosanitary and improve the health level of Pinus bungeana.