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西藏玛旁雍错湿地自然保护区位于西藏阿里地区的普兰县。在保护区309国道的北侧,一座高高的单峰雪山映入眼帘,那就是冈仁波齐峰。金字塔般的冈仁波齐峰洁白如玉,半圆形的山顶覆盖着白雪,有着“万山之王”的美名,在多种宗教中享有崇高而神圣的地位。它与相邻的玛旁雍措并称为“神山圣湖”。这段道路也是藏野驴、藏原羚等野生动物经常出没的地带。 The Tibet Manpao Wakong Wetland Nature Reserve is located in Pulang County in the Ali area of ​​Tibet. On the northern side of National Highway 309, a tall, unimodal snow-capped mountain peaks into the sky. The pyramids of Mount Rinpomo are white and jade, and the semicircular summit is covered with white snow and has the reputation of “the king of the mountains.” It enjoys a high and sacred status in many religions. It is adjacent to the Marian Yong measures and called “Sacred Mountain Holy Lake.” This section of the road is also a wild donkey, Tibetan gazelle and other wildlife often haunt the strip.