我院1981年1月~1985年12月用胎头吸引术助产1113例,本文就资料完整的1000例分析如下,并结合有关文献进行讨论。 1 材料与方法 1.1 胎吸率 5年来在我院分娩9224例,其中使用低位胎吸术者1113例(10.9%);可查病例1000例,同时期施行剖腹产术1450例(15.7%)。 1.2 胎吸术指征 宫内窘迫333例,宫缩乏力201例,第二产程延长189例,头位不正162例,妊娠中毒症74例,胎儿过大12例,会阴条件差20例,妊娠合并心脏病9例。 1.3 操作技术 一般认为硅胶吸引器送入阴道容易,但易滑脱,一次成功率不如钢铝合金吸引器。因此我们常规采用钢铝合金吸引器,用注射器抽气100ml,最多不超过120ml,负压强度为0.5kg/cm~2。
Our hospital from January 1981 to December 1985 with fetal head abortion 1113 cases of midwifery, 1000 cases of complete data analysis below, and the relevant literature to discuss. 1 Materials and methods 1.1 Absorption rate 9224 cases of childbirth in our hospital over the past five years, of which 1113 cases (10.9%) were using low birth abortion; 1000 cases can be investigated, while the implementation of cesarean section at the same time 1450 cases (15.7%). 1.2 fetus suction indications Palace distress in 333 cases, 201 cases of uterine inertia, the second stage of labor extended 189 cases, 162 cases of head malocclusion, 74 cases of gestosis, fetus in 12 cases, 20 cases of poor perineal conditions, pregnancy 9 cases of heart disease. 1.3 The operating technique Generally believed that the silicone suction into the vagina easily, but easy to slip off, a success rate as steel-aluminum alloy aspirator. Therefore, we use conventional aluminum alloy suction device, with a syringe suction 100ml, up to not more than 120ml, negative pressure intensity of 0.5kg / cm ~ 2.