杂交水稻(Oryza sative)汕优桂34F_1的三个花培品系89 AH-97,89 AH-167和88AHW-16叶绿素含量在分蘖盛期明显低于亲本汕优桂34F_1,在孕穗期则差异不大。但三个花培品系的净光合强度在分蘖盛期与汕优桂34F_1无明显差异,在孕穗期则显著地高于汕优桂34F_1。各品系的乙醇酸氧化酶活性均无明显差别。同时,三个花培品系的硝酸还原酶活性和核酸量均极显著高于汕优桂34F_1,其可溶性蛋白质含量在分蘖盛期和孕穗期亦均显著地高于汕优桂34F_1。经4℃低温处理后,三个花培品系脯氨酸含量增加率极显著地低于汕优桂34F_1,其超氧物歧化酶(SOD)活性下降率则极显著地高于汕优桂34F_1。而三个花培品系的酯酶和SOD等同工酶谱无质的差别,只有某些酶带的活性与汕优桂34F_1有不同程度的差异。以上结果表明,通过花药(粉)培养所得植株后代可相对地将杂交水稻亲本某些优良性状“稳定”下来。
The three cultivars of AHF-97, 89 AH-167 and 88AHW-16 from Oryza sative Shanyougui 34F_1 had significantly lower chlorophyll content at tillering stage than the parent Shanyougui 34F_1, but not at booting stage Big. However, the net photosynthetic rate of the three flowering cultivars had no significant difference with that of Shanyougui 34F_1 at tillering stage, but significantly higher than that of Shanyougui 34F_1 at booting stage. The glycolate oxidase activity of all the strains showed no significant difference. At the same time, the nitrate reductase activity and the amount of nucleic acid in the three flower cultivars were significantly higher than that of Shanyougui 34F_1, and the soluble protein content of them was also significantly higher than that of Shanyougui 34F_1 at the tillering and booting stages. After low temperature treatment at 4 ℃, the increase rate of proline content in three flower cultivars was significantly lower than that of Shanyougui 34F_1, and the decrease rate of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was significantly higher than that of Shanyougui 34F_1 . There was no qualitative difference between the isozymes of SOD and other isozymes in the three flower cultivars. Only the activity of some of the bands was different from that of Shanyougui 34F_1. The above results show that the progeny of the plants obtained through anther culture can relatively “stabilize” some of the fine traits of the hybrid rice parents.