一、岭南文化风貌 岭南的自然环境和历史社会背景,孕育了岭南特有的文化形态与艺术风貌,以其极大的兼容性、融合了各方、各路、各种文化,多元共存,矛盾统一,形成了多姿多彩的“岭南文化大观园”。 历史上几次民族的南迁和各朝代中央集权的官员南下,使中原汉族文化成为岭南文化的主流,同时兼纳了楚、越、苗、瑶、黎、壮、侗族等文化。 岭南历来科举兴盛封建教育体系健全,且深入城乡文化以孔子儒家文化为正统,融合了佛、道、伊斯兰、天主等教文化,形成了岭南文化既封闭又开放,既理性又浪漫、既重利又求实的形态特征。
I. Lingnan cultural style Lingnan's natural environment and historical social background gave birth to Lingnan's unique cultural forms and artistic features. With its great compatibility, it integrates all parties, paths, and cultures, coexisting in multiple ways, and uniting conflicts. A variety of “Lingnan Cultural Grand View Garden” has been formed. In the history of the nation’s southern migration and the centralization of the officials of the dynasties, the Han culture of the Central Plains has become the mainstream of Lingnan culture. At the same time, Chu, Yue, Miao, Yao, Li, Zhuang and Yi peoples have also been included. Lingnan has always had a prosperous feudal education system, and in-depth urban and rural cultures are based on Confucius Confucian culture as an orthodox, integrating Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, God and other teaching culture, forming a closed and open Lingnan culture, both rational and romantic, both weighty and Realistic morphological features.