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祖国医学认为,喜、怒、忧、思、悲、恐、惊七种情志活动,在正常情况下,是人体精神活动的外在表现,若外界各种精神刺激程度过重或持续时间过长造成情志的过度兴奋或抑制时,则可导致人体的阴阳失调,气血不和,经脉阻滞,脏腑功能紊乱而发为情志病证。中医心理疗法渊源流长,时至今日,中医心理疗法的主要内容已发展为:言语开导,情志相胜、激情刺激、气功吐纳法等。重视精神因素的作用,运用心理疗法,历来是中医治病的特色。余在临证中学习、探索用心理疗法治疗情志病证,取得了较好疗效,现举案例析之。一、适应脱敏法刘×,女,6岁,1987年6月8日初诊。既往体健,两月前某日正熟睡,突然被犬吠惊醒,即出现面色发黄、双目呆滞、精神萎糜、不思饮食,半天方恢复如常。从此,不能见狗、猫等带毛的动物,见则前症发作,因当地有养狗、猫之习惯,家长只能闭门不让外出。家长精神负 The motherland medicine believes that emotions of hi, anger, sorrow, thinking, sadness, fear and surprise are, under normal circumstances, an external manifestation of the mental activity of the human body. If the psychological stimuli of the outside world are overly heavy or of too long duration Long caused by excessive emotional excitement or inhibition, you can lead to the body’s yin and yang imbalance, qi and blood, meridians blockage, visceral dysfunction and sentinel disease syndrome. The origins of TCM psychotherapy are long and today, the main contents of psychotherapy in TCM have been developed as follows: verbal enlightenment, emotional phase wins, passion stimulation, qigong and so on. Emphasis on the role of mental factors, the use of psychological therapy, has always been the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine treatment. I study in clinical evidence to explore the use of psychological therapy for the treatment of emotional diseases, and achieved good results, the case is analyzed. First, to adapt to desensitization method Liu ×, female, 6 years old, June 8, 1987 newly diagnosed. Past physical health, one day two months ago are asleep, suddenly awakened by the dog bark, that appeared yellow complexion, dull eyesight, spiritual wilt, do not think of diet, half a day to return to normal. Since then, can not see dogs, cats and other animals with hair, see the pre-episode attack, because of the local dog, cat’s habits, parents can only be closed to keep out. Parents negative spirit