
来源 :人民文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyzol
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1、本会欢迎下列各项民间文艺资料:(1)全国各地区流行于人民大众中间的民谣、民歌、平话、弹词、鼓词、地方戏脚本、民间故事、神话、传说、谚语、谜语、年画、门神、剪纸、花样玩具等等,无论新旧,无论长短大小,也无论是语言文字的、演唱的、或绘塑的,只要真正是民间所作所传,不是伪造或仿制的各种文学艺术创作。(2)前人搜集整理出版的各项民间文艺资料。(3)研究民间文艺的著述及刊物。二、搜集资料者请注意以下各点:(1)应记明资料来源,地点,流传时期,及流传的情况等。(2)如系口头传授的唱词或故事等,应记明唱讲者的姓名、籍贯、经历、唱讲的环境等。 1. We welcome the following folk literature and art materials: (1) Popular ballads, folk songs, Ping dialect, storytelling scripts, local opera scripts, folk tales, myths, legends, proverbs, riddles, New Year pictures popular among people in all regions of the country , Door gods, paper-cut, pattern toys and so on, regardless of the old and the new, regardless of size, and whether it is language, singing, or plastic, as long as the real is made by folk, not fake or imitation of various literary and artistic creation . (2) The predecessors collect and sort out the various folk literature and art materials. (3) study of folk literature and publications. Second, to collect information, please note the following points: (1) should identify the source, location, spread of the period, and the spread of the situation. (2) If the verb or story taught orally, the name, origin, experience, singing environment of the speaker should be recorded.
三江均发源于青藏高原的亘古冰川,金沙江在云南石鼓镇附近转身向北切开玉龙雪山和哈巴雪山的阻隔,形成威震天下的“虎跳峡”,继而滚滚向东润育着华夏文明。 Sanjiang are or
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。晋中市:实施依法行政 全面推进水利事业持续健康发展 Please download to view, this article does not support online acces
凤凰,湘西沱江之畔的一颗璀璨明珠,国家级历史文化名城,现代著名文学家沈从文的故乡,有“中国最美的小城”之称。凤凰城有1000多年的建城历史,这 Phoenix, a shining pearl
中国人换了一代又一代,不变的是神仙梦,像COPY的漫话永久存储在基因之中,隐约于红尘滚滚的梦幻之中。 Chinese people have changed from generation to generation, immuta
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