Housing is a special commodity, one of which is its price easily manipulated to make the market failure, and the second is housing matters related to national economy and the people’s livelihood. The government has reason to interfere with market price manipulation like that of Wenzhou real estate agents. Wenzhou real estate speculators in the successful realization of Shanghai, Hangzhou, Nanjing and other cities real estate prices rose sharply, is preparing to advance to the Central Plains, northwestern and northeastern regions, the author recently passed Wenzhou Airport saw the recruitment of real estate speculators in Anhui and other large advertising. According to the survey, Wenzhou real estate regiment can pool hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars every time. According to Wenzhou officials in charge of financial estimation, all the funds used for speculation in real estate in Wenzhou have about 100 billion yuan. Wenzhou people use the advantages of capital, so that the place where the house